"A few are women from the moment they're born."
- J. Steinbeck, East of Eden
Yes, the quote tells it all. KJ is indeed one of those few along with
our Royal Rebel Kristen Stewart.
our Royal Rebel Kristen Stewart.
And today as she celebrates her special day, We, OTHERS, are united to come up with this birthday blog that not only celebrates her birthday, but also, letting her know
how much her MOO inspires, transforms and keeps the dreams alive
in all of us in so many ways she might not know.
how much her MOO inspires, transforms and keeps the dreams alive
in all of us in so many ways she might not know.
So KJ, READ and SEE what each one has thought for You.
Because Others are EVERYWHERE.
Happy birthday! Thank you for your exhaustless effort in this fandom and for your writings, always such a pleasure to read your empowering creations ;)
Much love <3,
Kate (@adorablekstew)
Happy birthday! Thanks for all the wonderful things you do for R/K.
Have a blast hun!

Wishing you a Happy Birthday and hope your spoilt rotten. J Hugs, Nicky.
happy fucking birthday! :D i hope you'll have an awesome epic fabulous day because you deserve such a day! :D thanks for your inspiring words and hope you continue showering us with such :D love for making a blog and always pointing out RK's awesomeness and adorableness :D come smoke with me KJ and we'll celebrate your bday! lol... HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY AGAIN!! :D
KJ, I wish you a very Happy Birthday! I especially want to send many thanks and huge appreciation for all the insightful and delightful musings you post on our gal Kristen Stewart! You keep it real and fun, and always keep us entralled. You find the right things to say, and always seem to find the best perspective, about the unique person and talented actress that Kristen truly is.
IMDB board
Just wanted you to know that I appreciate the time and attention you give to us.
I've been reading your words from the beginning and you have yet to disappoint me... happy birthday and I look forward many more words from you.
Soiled Dove
Dearest KJ,
Happiest of Birthdays, Sweets.
Few people, upon reaching another year, can look back at the one gone by and say they honestly made the most of it by working to make the world a better place. I know you possess the kind of humility that'll blush and push against that superlative but know that, from what you have bravely shared with our little corner of the internets about your experiences this year especially with the Red Cross, it's undeniable. And your kindness, candor, and generosity make our space here a better place. Your weekly words have created a bridge from what is typically a one-dimensional, personal experience (even within a fandom) to a communal one. The way that you reflexively weave your own life stories and by extension, your readers' into your exploration and analysis of Kristen as a daughter, sister, lover, professional, and woman disavows the objectification that typifies fan feeling and in so doing, disavows objectification of any woman for any reason. It opens a dialogue that includes anyone who wants to participate as well as the subject of our discourse and eliminates barriers and pedestals and every categorization we use to make ourselves different than, better than, less than, those with whom we share space. To borrow the words of the Royal Queen Rebel herself, MOO exemplifies "we girls" and especially in a venue that is often fueled by "mean girling" and high school-esque hierarchies, it is heady and inspiring stuff.
By which I mean, I'm literally inspired by it. I wrote you a love letter of sorts last spring which you didn't know about (because that would be awkward) and in the interest of full disclosure, wasn't strictly about you. When I'm lost, I write because words are how I make sense of the world. But for whatever reason I'd never felt really compelled to write about *this* - this experience of coming to adore Kristen Stewart and the incredible man with whom she's chosen to share her life and this experience of sharing that every single day with people who feel exactly the same. Maybe it's because it seems frivolous at first or like a kind of escape from real life obligations and real life writing. But reading, every week, the ways in which you meaningfully linked this would-be silly escape to your own experiences and took care to work out how the narratives inform each other felt like permission and served as inspiration. I wanted to write about my own experience as a fangirl because I was daunted but so motivated to add my voice to the mix. You cultivate and encourage critical thinking and given most interaction here is limited to 140 characters at a time, That. Feels. Huge. And through your own hyper-articulate brilliance and generosity, you've created a space that envelops the rest of us hyper-articulate women in celebration of a hyper-articulate woman. We girls and Kristen privilege words and know that there is power in sharing them and the way you've done so so openly and honestly has galvanized us and me, specifically, to do the same.
I fall down in consistently expressing just how much I enjoy your musings but know they've left a bigger impression on me than you could know. I am so grateful to know you and I wish you a glorious and celebratory 24 hours as well as a year full of even more peace, luck, love, and every wonderful thing.
From @Bitterm3LoN
For someone like me who saw the beginning of the Internet and all the things it brought to my life, it is easy to me to say that YOU is one of the reasons that it marvelous me every day. You and your little blog are special and bring substance and deepness to all your readers. Happy Birthday My Friend!
- @luacheia99
Wishing you a very ☆҉♡☆҉ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ☆҉♡☆҉ S4!!! I hope this year of your life is filled with love, magic and miracles! ¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸
Happy Birthday KJ.
You have this gift to remind us, through your posts, of our higher selves. Kristen is the most unique person in the entertainment world that most of us have ever known. No one else celebrates what is different about Kristen better than your essays. The little blurbs I write are not in the same league. Every time I read one of your essays, I feel more positive about....well, everything. I know many people feel the same.
- dano328
From @RKbubbles
Dear Kai
Seriously there are not enough words to tell you how awesome you are. Not only are you a beautiful friends AND a gracious host you have helped me to become the woman I never knew I could be. Resilient, courageous, self-loving and accepting. This is something that can never be covered by enough thank yous or gifts. So on this magical day (kinda spooky too), know that you are loved. I'm wishing you a wonderful birthday from Perth all the way to San Fran. Eat some InNout and revel baby. #QueenOther
Love always,
Elisha xx
Darling KJ, have the most wonderful birthday!
I came into MOO late but I'm so thankful that I found it...and you. Your musings on our gorgeously talented Queen Other, Kristen (and her King, Rob) is written with such loyalty, respect, love and protectiveness.
You're a very special Other, as a fan to Kristen, but even more so to me & to so many in the fandom and in your life.
Your loving-spirit comes out in your philosophies on life. They inspire, motivate and provoke thought and enlightment for me and no doubt to Others.
I admire how you're such a giving, generous and caring person.
I'm so ecstatic I got to meet you this year - that we shared some epic moments in your beautiful city, San Fran, over some 'Jack Kerouacs'.
Here's to many more 'Jacks' and "others".
*raises a glass of bubbles to you*
Love you darl, Mel xxx
Happy Birthday KJ and we hope that somehow we have transcribed
KJ, your Other(say unique) approach of showing your <3 2 our Royal Queen & her English King provides us peace&inspiration.. so on ur special day, i'm wishing u a day as White as Snow, as Sweet as Robsten, as Unique as Kristen." - much love, (signature)
For someone like me who saw the beginning of the Internet and all the things it brought to my life, it is easy to me to say that YOU is one of the reasons that it marvelous me every day. You and your little blog are special and bring substance and deepness to all your readers. Happy Birthday My Friend!
- @luacheia99
Dear KJ,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) I hope you have the best of days. Your musings touch this fandom's hearts every time. I'm glad Kristen got one more wonderful person fighting for her.
Love, Tamara
Wishing you a very ☆҉♡☆҉ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ☆҉♡☆҉ S4!!! I hope this year of your life is filled with love, magic and miracles! ¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸
Happy Birthday KJ.
You have this gift to remind us, through your posts, of our higher selves. Kristen is the most unique person in the entertainment world that most of us have ever known. No one else celebrates what is different about Kristen better than your essays. The little blurbs I write are not in the same league. Every time I read one of your essays, I feel more positive about....well, everything. I know many people feel the same.
- dano328
From @RKbubbles
To one of the most incredibly smart, savvy, and OTHER women I know #whogetsit.
Have great Birthday, KJ!
teb aka tebby
Dear Kai
Seriously there are not enough words to tell you how awesome you are. Not only are you a beautiful friends AND a gracious host you have helped me to become the woman I never knew I could be. Resilient, courageous, self-loving and accepting. This is something that can never be covered by enough thank yous or gifts. So on this magical day (kinda spooky too), know that you are loved. I'm wishing you a wonderful birthday from Perth all the way to San Fran. Eat some InNout and revel baby. #QueenOther
Love always,
Elisha xx
Darling KJ, have the most wonderful birthday!
I came into MOO late but I'm so thankful that I found it...and you. Your musings on our gorgeously talented Queen Other, Kristen (and her King, Rob) is written with such loyalty, respect, love and protectiveness.
You're a very special Other, as a fan to Kristen, but even more so to me & to so many in the fandom and in your life.
Your loving-spirit comes out in your philosophies on life. They inspire, motivate and provoke thought and enlightment for me and no doubt to Others.
I admire how you're such a giving, generous and caring person.
I'm so ecstatic I got to meet you this year - that we shared some epic moments in your beautiful city, San Fran, over some 'Jack Kerouacs'.
Here's to many more 'Jacks' and "others".
*raises a glass of bubbles to you*
Love you darl, Mel xxx
Happy Birthday KJ and we hope that somehow we have transcribed
how much You and Your MOO means to us All.
[a/n] THANK YOU to those who took their time composing/creating their special gift for KJ. Me, Mel and Tamara is grateful for your positive response in our invitation. I also would like to mention Yulia, Nikki and Gabriela for their contribution to make this birthday project a success. Thanks again! - Nhess